Middle Grade
A trio of cousins discover they have powers of healing, vision, and protection from an ancient ancestor: a moko jumbie. Together, they have to use their moko magic to protect the magical community in the lead-up to the Caribbean Day Parade in Brooklyn.
Book 1 of the Jumbies series.
Corinne La Mer isn’t afraid of anything--certainly not jumbies. They’re just tricksters made up by parents to frighten children. Then one night Corinne goes into the forbidden forest, and shining yellow eyes follow her. They couldn’t belong to a jumbie. Or could they?
Book 2 of the Jumbies series.
Corinne La Mer defeated the wicked jumbie Severine months ago, but things haven’t gone back to normal on her island home. When children begin to go missing, snatched from the beach and vanishing into wells, suspicious eyes turn to Corinne.
Book 3 of the Jumbies series.
The scariest and most heart-pounding installment of the highly praised and popular Jumbies series!
Huracan summons the wind and rain and wields lightning like a sword. He doesn’t miss and he never falters. He will destroy everything in his path if he desires.